The Perks of Being a Wallflower

The Perks of Being a Wallflower - Stephen Chbosky

So, this is my life. And I want you to know that I am both happy and sad and I’m still trying to figure out how that could be.”

“Charlie, we accept the love we think we deserve.”


The Perks of Being a Wallflower is a poignant story about an ordinary boy who is just trying to find where he fits in the universe, and it is brilliant.


I have seen this book in book stores and glanced over it. I have seen the previews for the movie several times without giving it much thought. I honestly did not realize that I was overlooking one of the most well-written and amazing books of our time. I have been in a bit of a book rut. I have picked up the same book about 500 times and was about to my breaking point when I went out on a limb and picked this book up. And I am so thankful that I did.  I have read many young adult books in which the author attempted to write a realistic story about adolescence, but never have they even come close. This book however, was on point. This book does include drug use, sex, profanity and other adult situations. That being said, this book may not be appropriate for all audiences.


From the very first page I fell in love with Charlie. He is a bit strange for a boy his age I will admit, but that honestly made me love him that much more. He is thoughtful, observant, poignant, and a bit lost in his own head. I feel comfortable in saying that all of us have or will find ourselves in the state of mind when we are trying to find our place in the world, simply trying to understand who we are. This book captures that very state of being in a way which I have yet to see.  Charlie is remarkably easy to relate to and to like, love even. He has this naiveté and innocence that is curious and endearing, but most of all is he is genuine. Charlie could easily be the boy next door, the boy who sat behind you on the school bus, the boy whose name you never knew in school. Yet, he matters, he is significant and only by reading this novel can you truly understand why or how.


The writing style in this book is unique and lovely. There are times when I laughed, times when I felt embarrassed, sad and moments of absolute clarity.  The writing is easy to read and flows well; however, the story itself is full of issues that are anything but easy.  This isn’t the next Hunger Games, or Harry Potter. It isn’t action-packed and full of vampires or zombies. It has a subtle way of drawing you in and eases you into powerful and unforeseen ending. 


The ending of the book left me breathless. I couldn’t place where it was heading, but when I reached the ending it was most certainly not what I had expected. 

I give this book 5 stars because I truly love this book.